There are differences between North Montco and BSZ Freital. First is security, it is not as thorough as North Montco's. The persons working in the building, of which we saw two, are called caretakers. They are responsible for making sure the lights are on and classroom doors are locked. They also have system control responsibilities.
You can see in one of the pictures the caretakers in their control center.
Another difference is classroom operation. At BSZ Freital, the academic teachers move between classrooms and the students stay in the same classroom all day. As soon as class begins, doors are locked and if the students are not in the classroom at that time they are not permitted in.
There are no substitute teachers at BSZ, if a teacher is absent the class is cancelled.
You also see the computer sciences wing. Notice the CISCO Networking Academy sign.
The school is divided into three wings:
an academic wing, a business wing and a technical wing.
Pictured here is the academic wing, showing a picture of a English class.
Students over the age of 21 are seated along side the traditional students (ages 18 to 20).
Pictured below is the library and one of the entrances to the school.
We also included another example of the school's green technology showing the grass roof and solar heating panels.
Finally, the school is named for Otto Lillienthal famous for creating an efficient method for coal mining in Germany.