The bottom picture is taken from outside looking into the schools cafeteria. BSZ Freital is composed of three different buildings. Notice the industrial style architecture.
The 2nd picture from the bottom is showing one of the three gymnasiums at BSZ Freital. Ms. Wolf is the sports director at the school. Here she is conducting a Phys. Ed class. You see here the students playing volleyball. The students have one 90 minute gym class per week.
BSZ Freital is a green building. Please notice the use of green technologies for the roof. In addition, you will notice the solar panels used for the energy in the school.
Finally, in Freital the original industry was ore mining. The full name of the school is BSZ Freital "Otto Lillienthal". Mr. Lillienthal is known as a developer of mining equipment. The picture represents the mining history of the area. This is one of the displays in the main hallway of the school.