One small GAPP blog for mankind (ha-ha).
But really what an adventure, our students and teachers will never be the same.
The experiences will stay with them for a life time.
Their lives and ours have been entwined within a global perspective.
We have seen a small part of another country and its culture.
Recommendations will be made for the next exchange in 2014.
Here in lies the rub, as Shakespeare wrote.
What will happen.
What will we teach others.
What have we been taught.
Sorry, to say this is the last day for the blog (unless I put a few more pictures in).
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Thanks for traveling
And now I bid you adieu!
Auf Wiedersehen
Or is it just THE BEGINNING !!!!! Anfang!
Yes, it is the beginning.
It must be.
It simply must!
It must be.
It simply must!