Wednesday, March 2, 2011

GAPP March 2, 2011 Wednesday (Mittwoch)

Here is our small but impressive group outside the school with the Director.  You can see the sun is shining.
Some of the students are hosted close to school, others may drive longer or take the bus or train. 

Let us talk about the prices that we are seeing here in Germany.  The price of gas for your car is on the average of $8.00 a gallon.  Let me repeat that in case you are scanning this and not really reading every word (ha-ha).  The price of a GALLON OF GAS IS $8.00!!!  The Germans cannot believe how cheap the Americans pay for the gasoline to operate their vehicle.  Imagine this price the next time that you are filling up your tank, and you will know that you are getting a bargain.

Food prices, I think might be higher or lower than our prices depending on what it is and realizing that we have only been here for 5 days - so we are still learning. They have some amazing large food markets in with large department stores.  It is quite unlike our food stores in Lansdale, but I also think there are only small markets for locals to buy on a regular basis.

A GAPP presentation was given today for BFZ Freital faculty this afternoon. It was explained about our North Montco group to the teachers (not the students).

Hope you stay tuned for tomorrow´s news (aren´t you glad that I finally found the apostrophe), at least on this keyboard.