Tuesday, March 15, 2011

GAPP March 15, 2011 Tuesday

Well, our NMTCC students have completed their presentations to the school. Yeah! I know that they worked hard on the pronunciations. The presentations were videotaped for those that would like to see them at a later time.

This afternoon our group will be taking an industry tour of Feldschloesschen Brauerei. Hopefully there will be pictures tomorrow. Stay tuned - is your radio on a German station yet? Can you hear us singing yet?

And guess what ?  That beautiful sun is still shining on us! What a treat to have such nice weather for an exchange.

Yesterday evening, some students went to a circus - they saw goats, camels, horses, dogs, and clowns.  They had amusement rides there also, just like back home......

Tomorrow, we start major discussions about PACKING. You know that, don't you. Where you must fit 75 lbs of stuff in a 50 lb luggage bag.  So what stays....what goes......what gets recycled.  Yikes.  It is fast approaching. Do you miss us -- our faces, our comments, our fresh smiles, our noices, our complaints, our ways that brighten up your day -- hope so. See everyone soon. Yes, before you know it, we will all be back in our own little beds like peas in a pod wrapped in an extra layer of maturity.
