Monday, February 14, 2011

GAPP - February 14, 2011 - Valentine's Day

There are 2 chaperones, 6 students and 3 teachers going to Freital, Germany as part of North Montco Technical Career Center's 17th GAPP Exchange. GAPP means German-American Partnership Program. We will be posting daily so that family, friends and teachers can see what we are learning, exploring, seeing and feeling across the Atlantic Ocean.

In Germany, Valentine's Day is not as seriously observed as it is in the states; as a matter of fact the celebration of Valentine's Day has gained popularity only in recent decades, namely after the end of World War II. While it was previously celebrated by some, the end of the war (and with it the friendly relationship with American soldiers) added to the growing esteem Germans were developing for this holiday.

COUNTDOWN: 11 more days !!!!!