The main meal of the day is Germany tends to be lunch, with a light snack eaten at about 7:00 pm in the evening. Breakfast as served in the homes and hotels usually consists of a boiled egg, bread rolls with jam, honey, cold cuts (yes, you are reading this correctly) and cheese slices. Coffee and pastries often make up a second breakfast, while late-afternoon snacks of sausage and cheese dishes keep you going until the evening meal.
A typical meal may include up to 7 courses:
-- An appetizer (Vorspeise)
--Soup (Suppe)
--A main course (Hauptspeise)
--One or two raw/cooked side dishes (Beilagen)
--Dessert (Nachspeise)
-- An appetizer (Vorspeise)
--Soup (Suppe)
--A main course (Hauptspeise)
--One or two raw/cooked side dishes (Beilagen)
--Dessert (Nachspeise)
CURRENCY: 1 Euro = $1.35030
WEATHER: 32 degrees and mostly cloudy
COUNTDOWN: 9 days (neun Tag)